Sunday, March 30, 2008


Tattoos were taboos when I was growing up, but with the recent influence of Miami Ink and LA Ink, many are seeing tattoos more as an art form. I personally have three tattoos, but I dowan to show lah. But now, in KK, there are quite a number of tattoo parlors. With a 'valid' reason aka photo assignment, I went into 76th Street Tattoo Workshop at Gaya Street to get some shots, and also ask a price to do a tattoo. Prices are reasonable, now to think of another design.....

The artist acting like he is tattoo-ing....other guy is the other artist

Looked like some kind of tattoo award the shop won, its gold, or gold color lah.

If you want your tattoo to be inked on traditionally, opt for the Needle-on-a-Stick method, (its not a popsicle). I think I will stay away from this ancient method.

So, the location of the store is next to the famous bah kut teh shop across Jesselton Hotel. And guess who got hungry?



oh,u went to George's son funeral pla that thursday? i went to KK for some business..

Macam KK tia lama jadi Penang ni,mna2 pun ada tempat bikin tatoo...hehehe

Wendell D. Gingging said...

ya, went there but took very little photos, was too emotional lah.

AB said...

Why is that...the artistry of tattoos haven't been "honored" until a few shows come really does take a lot of precision & talent to create such markings.

Dee said...

Interesting, I'll try to pop by the place you suggested one day although I'm quite particular about who does my tattoo. I've heard and seen stories where tattoos fade within a year! So yeah, btw I got my 2nd tattoo done! ;) I'm catching up...hehehe

Wendell D. Gingging said...

hey dee, ask them for a guarentee for a free touch up if fade after one year. by the way, they have a write up on Breeze Sabah magazine, available at The Bed, Cocoon, Razz, and maybe by now, Shan

Jollence Lee said...

Gambar si pip lagi duluan ah.. ada ko buat tattoo kah?

Wendell D. Gingging said...

teda buat oh lance, pasal belum sampai a certain milestone. Ada juga plan tapi mangkali suruh si ben yg buat.

alentarseo said...

Great post.Thank you for posting this article.Keep posting.
tattoo workshops and seminars in chennai