Friday, July 4, 2008

Boys will be boys!

Had a chance to go out of town this week with my good friend, videographer Paul Masudal. He had to do a short shoot in Kota Belud, so I joined in for the ride, since I kinda knew my way around there. While in the kampung, we passed a primary school and I spotted 4 boys with their books on their heads, obviously being punished. I whipped out my camera, switched my 17-50mm to a 70-200mm and snapped a frame as the boy was smiling at us.

Yes, boys with their expensive toys. Paul with his Canon XH-A1 HD.


Anonymous said...

haha i miss those days.....
kena denda and then the teacher force you to stand outside for 2 period of class.


Wendell D. Gingging said...

you must have been a very naughty boy flan if 2 periods kena denda...:)